Have you ever wondered how different your life would be if you had done something you decided not to do? If you had only taken a chance or pursued an opportunity presented to you? Most people in life play it safe and never take chances. Perhaps you know a little something about this. Maybe you never pursued that guy/girl you just knew was your soul mate or maybe you never followed you dream of owning your own business. Whatever it may be, most people have something that they think back on and wish they had pursued. Society has taught us to play it safe, school teaches us to follow the status quo and be good little worker bees who don't ruffle feathers. We are taught to be followers, not leaders and innovators. I admire those who have always marched to the beat of their own drum. These are some of the most content people on the planet, simply because they follow their dreams and take chances. I want to be one of those people. I don't want to be just another runner in the rat race.
Taking chances in life are always scary and it's that fear of not succeeding that stops us. Imagine if everyone let that fear conquer them, we wouldn't have all the innovative things that we have now, we would still be living in the stone ages. Since the beginning fo time, people have taken chances and not necessarily because they were brave but because they knew their lives depended on it. We should live our lives that way and I believe if we did, the world would be a much better place. We all deserve happiness and not just mediocrity. Go for the gusto, take the bull by the horns and even if you fail at least you tried. There's a lot to say about trying, most things weren't accomplished the first time around.
So if you hate you job, find your passion and go for what you love. You'll be a happier person for it. If you've been eying this great guy/girl for months, go ask him/her out. Even if he/she turns you down, at least you took a chance and maybe the next time it'll be a yes. Don't let society dictate your actions nor your family and friends. Only you know what you want out of life and only you have to live your life. Trust me, you don't want to die with regrets. Be the exception, not the norm. Be who you want to be. As parents often tell kids, you don't know if you like or can do it until you've tried. Too bad we forget that motto once we become adults.
I am not advocating anyone sacrificing family or anything else important to follow a whim. If you have a family, you have to think about them. I am only advocating pursuance of realistic dreams. If you want to be the next Brad Pitt but have no acting ability at all, be realistic. No matter what you passion is you must have a plan. And I know that following your dreams are harder to do once you have a family, especially depending on what that dream is; but if you have a wonderful family and you are content with the life you have, maybe you should just count your blessings and play it safe. But for those of you out there who are unhappy and want something more and truly believe you have what it takes to make it happen. Don't let fear of failure stop you. As Nike can say: JUST DO IT!!!!!!!
Seems like no matter how many times I read that, I cant shake the fear. Its a process though. I imagine that, like you said, you can take one small step a month and maybe after a couple years you can have and do everything you want.
Thank you for supporting my block. i do appreciate all comments left. It seems everything in life is a process. I guess the hardest part is taking that first step. We spend our entire lives worry about what others think about our actions and thereby crippling our own will and creativity. It's always sad to see dreams crushed or lost along the way. Hopefully this blog will help someone do something he/she has feared to do for whatever reason.
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