With America being the melting pot it is, there are a lot of people who date outside their respective races. As we progress through time, this phenomenon becomes more and more prevalent. Most people have come to accept interracial dating on some level or at least tolerate it. Of course there are still people who believe in no racial mixing; but most often I hear people upset because they believe that someone chose to date outside his/her race for the wrong reasons. This reason being because they have interacted with someone who dates outside his/her race simply because that person beleives his/her own race is inferior or the person believes that dating someone outside his/her race is some type of status symbol. I am all for dating and marrying the person you love, regardless of ethnicity or color. It is sad however to hear a someone declare that he/she refuse to date someone of his/her own race simply based on some stereotype. A person never knows whom his/her soulmate may be, so why discard an entire race based on faulty logic.
We should all be able to date whomever we want without being ridiculed but we should also do it for the right reasons. Don't vow to date only Asian women because you think they are more compliant or only date black men because you believe they all have great sexual prowess compared to other races. Every race is compiled of different personality types and physical attributes. Dating outside your race should be because you like the particular person you are with regardless of color. You shouldn't date someone just based on race because you will face a rude awakening when you realize that women and men of all races have issues and shortcomings.
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