Sunday, February 24, 2008

Case Of The Fakeness

The world is full of fake people. So how do you tell the real from the fake? I've met a lot of phony people in my time. They are easy to spot. You know the ones who sucks up to everyone. The ones who smile in your face and then talk about you behind your back. The ones who say whatever they think you want to hear or the ones who only speak to you when they want something. Being fake is like an art, it takes talent. It takes persistence and skill to be "on" all the time. I wonder if fake people even realize our fake they are or do they get so caught up in it they can't tell anymore? I would think it would be extremely tiring to spend all your time pretending. But I've been known to be wrong from time to time.

I believe in being real at all times. If I don't like you, I don't deal with you. I find it hard to pretend to have interest in what some one is saying or doing when I know I don't; which may explain my difficulty in finding a job. I just can't be fake and getting a job always requires at least some degree of fakeness on the interviewee's part because nine times out of ten the person interviewing you is among the fake and fairly skilled at it, since he or she has made it to a position of hiring. Just once I would like to walk into an interview and have a real honest no holds barred conversation. I just want to be me and not be judged for that.

Being fake has to be a learned behavior and I wonder when one learns it and how? Are there classes you take for it? Is it learned in school, from family or friends? I would really like to know. Politicians have it down to an art form and so do most successful attorneys and business people. I should just say most successful people in general. It's refreshing to actually converse with real people after being surrounded by fakeness for long periods of time. All real people at some point have to interact with fake people and I know how hard it can be. You may want scream or curse or even hurt them. Just let it go, because that won't cure a case of the fakeness. I'm sure there's a cure out there and boy would I love to find it.


Anonymous said...

Haha. The world is full of fake people, especially corporate America. Where do they learn it? I honestly believe they learn it at home. I believe in some cultures, especially certain upper and upper middle class groups, being fake is actually normal to them. I learned how to adapt to it, although even I can't keep it up for long periods of time. I am very thankful that I can hide in my own office.

I think the best thing to do if you absolutely have to be in a fake environment is to make sure you have an outlet. Make sure you have close friends or confidantes that you can go to when work is all over.

Anonymous said...

Like btania said, I think most people who are great at are homeschooled in the art.