Monday, March 31, 2008

Single Mothers

Being a single mother has to be the hardest job in the world. It takes more endurance and perseverance than one can imagine. Being a single mother is a bond that many women share, particularly black women. Raising children in a two parent household can be trying at times but attempting to do so alone is even more of a challenge and if you don't have money than it at time seems like an impossible task. Being a single parent and coming from a single parent household I know the trials and tribulations that women go through trying to raise children on their own. This task is especially taxing for a single mother of a boy or boys. All young boys need a father figure. A mother can only do so much to keep a young man on the straight and narrow. A male child needs a man to show him what it means to be a real man, to show him how a real man acts and treats women. Instead we have so many young boys growing up with the only male figures they see are those standing on the street corners selling drugs and driving expensive cars and wearing expensive clothing, disrespecting women and behaving as if the life they live is the best way to live. The young boys growing up in this environment without a father around to instill in them the values they need to see that this is the wrong path to take soon become one of the local drug dealers hanging on the corner and treating women like they are just another bitch or ho. Many single mothers try to keep their children away from this environment but the fast life draws them in like a fly to a spider's web. The lure of fast money is great when you sit and watch your mother struggling just to make ends meet. A young man may have the best intentions in the world, but once he gets caught up in the game, there's usually only two ways out: prison or the grave.

There are many males that are products of single family home and they grow up to be decent young men. In my experience, these young men either had a mother who was tough as nails and/or had some type of positive male influence around to help mold them into righteous individuals. Of course it's becoming harder and harder to find men, who aren't the fathers, who are willing to play these roles. Young men are more disrespectful now then they have ever been. Whether this is a result of their environments and influences or bad parenting or maybe the child is just a bad seed, I don't know. As a mother of a young male, I try my hardest to instill good values in my son and encourage him to seek positive goals and influences. I want him to know that the world is full of opportunities and that he can do whatever he wants, regardless of racism and prejudice. It's often been said that others can stop you temporarily, but only you can stop you permanently. I've hit enough roadblocks to know that saying is true. It takes a lot of will and determination to make it as a single parent, especially when you are a minority. I would never let the fact that I have children stop me from accomplishing my goals and providing a better life for my children and that is what I want my children to know. Nothing is too great to overcome, even when it seems like there is no way out, God will make a way. That believe is what has kept many single mothers going and striving to make it. So for all of ya'll out there trying to raise kids on your own, in the infamous words of Tupac "keep your head up." Things will get brighter as long as you continue to persevere and put God first and don't let anyone tell you that you and your children aren't worthy of more.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Used and Abused

While watching Tyler Perry's new movie, "Meet the Brown's" something resonated with me. I begin to wonder how many women out there are too scared to open themselves up to a good man for fear of being used and abused again. So many sistas have been hurt in so many ways, that we no longer feel that we can trust a man to treat us right. And if one does come along who seems too good to be true, he usually is. So when the time comes and you do actually meet someone who is genuine and honest and caring, your creep antenna goes up and you search for any sign of him being a dog. You are basically waiting for something to go wrong because you aren't used to being treated with respect and like a lady and not just another piece of meat. Black women in particular have had a hard time when it comes to our men. We have faced so much abuse and humiliation that we come to expect it and don't know how to react to kindness. So many of us have lost all faith in men. You know the saying, "all men are dogs."

The fear that keeps us from trusting and believing cripples us emotionally. We've forgot how it feels to be loved and wanted. We forget how beautiful we are after being called ugly and/or fat or some other spiteful thing. We forget that we are queens and should be treated as such and that we are not bitches and hos. We forget how strong we are after being beat down so much. We lose sight of our goals, because we've been told we are worthless and won't amount to anything. We've become everything they said we already were because after being used and abused so much we begin to believe the things said about us. Men have always had the ability to torture women due to our emotional vulnerability. Me are our weakness and we give them too much power over us. It's time we reclaimed out throne and our power and treat ourselves the way queens should be treated. We deserve respect for being strong black women who persevere through trials and tribulations. We deserve respect for or battle scars. We've fought long and hard and now is our time to reap the reward for all the hell we've been put through. We also deserve love and happiness. We have to learn how to give love a chance and see that not every brotha is like the dog we've dated and been hurt by. There are still some good men out there and no they may not have a fancy car and fancy jewelry but they will have a big heart and treat you with respect and your children with respect if you have any. They will love you the way you deserve to be loved and that's worth more than jewelry and cars any day.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Racism's Still Alive, They Just Be Concealing It"

Wile reading yet another Clinton attack on Obama today, I scrolled down to the bottom of the page to check out some of the comments. There I was confronted with a comment basically stating that black people needed to stop betting on Obama, apparently thinking his election would finally allow us to get our "comeuppance." It's asinine statements like this that let me know just how much racism is still alive. The only difference between now and the past is that we as a people are less accepting of such behavior and racists have to hide behind their words. They can't blatantly say how they feel about minorities and get away with it. Also we as a people no longer fear intimidation and white people in general. Society as a whole is less accepting of racist ideas and so people have to hide their identities. The fact that a black man could possibly be president will only increase the anxiety and annoyance amongst racist and I fear what actions they will take if Obama actually wins the presidential election. Of course,I want him to win but I also know his winning will lead to violence.

We all know someone who is a closet bigot. Perhaps it's your boss or maybe it's a neighbor or a co-worker. You can often tell them just on how they interact with minorities. They may be polite but not friendly or perhaps they interact with minorities as little as possible. We never really thought racism was dead, but we are constantly ambushed and bombarded whenever we believe someone is a racist or has made a racist statement. We are often accused of "playing" the race card. As if our slot in this country has improved drastically since lynchings and slavery and we are trying to keep milking it for all it's worth. Black people are still treated as second class citizens. Affirmative action worked more for white women than black people, yet white people get all up in arms when they believe one of us has taken a job or a spot in a college from them. Who knew these things belonged to white people. They have this sense of entitlement that annoys the hell out of me. I'm so tired of constantly reading comments and papers where a white person talks about how one of them lost out to a black person because of affirmative action. Yes we know your kind would much rather hire you and most often do, but every once in a while it's impossible to deny that someone of another race is better qualified and will do a better job than any white applicant. Any company that's truly about succeeding will pick the better candidate based on his/her qualifications and skills, not skin color. It is really time for white people to get over their sense of entitlement and get over the fact that we are just as good as them or better and that we earn and deserve what we have, nothing has been given to us.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Attack on Black T.V.

In case you haven't noticed, there are few quality positive black shows on television. there has never been a large amount of shows geared towards Black Americans and we tend to cherish the one that we had. The number of black show has dwindled drastically, being replaced with more corny sitcoms or dramas or reality shows with the same tired premise. I love to watch television, it's something that relaxes me and allows me to not focus on my own issues but just watch mindless dribble that doesn't require me to think. After a long day at work, using my brain more is not what I want to With the onset of the writer's strike last November television executives too that opportunity to cancel Girlfriends. Now you don't have to be a fan of the show and I believe it wasn't as good without Toni, but at least it had strong black characters who were entertaining, although I could do without William. What upsets me is that the CW, the station that aired Girlfriends, back doored us and cancelled the show in the middle of the season with no conclusion to anything. No Joan finally getting hitched. Also there is talk that The Game may be canceled also. When there are on five quality non-offensive black shows on television, losing two of them matters a great deal. We as black people need to support shows that showcase us as smart, talented individuals instead of giving ratings to Flavor of Love and I love New York which only manages to but black women and men in an even worse light than we already were. I don't want to watch BET and Hell Date. i want to see something that at least has some redeeming quality. As long as we continue to watch white shows and not protest when they cancel the black sows we love, then white executives and produces will never allow us to have more than two shows on at a time. It's bad enough that they switch the time and day up on the shows that do still come on with no warning or place them on channels that you never even think to watch. They don't do that with white shows. We are at a great disadvantage in the television industry because not many Black Americans are directors and producers and definitely not writers, which makes it hard to create quality black shows. That's why I admire Tyler Perry for all hat he has accomplished on the bi g screen and on television without compromising his values and believes. He s a very talented man and deserves the Kudos that he receives. Hopefully he really is creating another sitcom, we need it. One of the man problems with creating black shows is that white people don't know how to write in a style that we enjoy, yet that would rather hire white writers to attempt to compose a script for a black show than hire a black person who actually understands the nuances of our culture. Then when the shows they have created fail, they an at least say well at least we tried. When they really didn't try to produce a successful show at all. As long as the airwaves are owned and operated by white America (thanks to the sellout Bob Johnson, even BET is owned by white people...ha), we won't ever have more than 5 black shows worth watching, if we have any at all.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Instant Gratification

Recently I had a conversation about certain character traits of different races. For example, how Asians and Hispanics are known for working together and living together in order to advance. They will pool their resources and work together in order to own and operate their own businesses. They trust each other enough to help each other out and believe in saving their money for the future. On the other hand, it seems black Americans are the complete opposite. We seem to live for today and want the most expensive thing we can afford or can get on credit. We'd rather have a nice car than a nice house. It seems this cultural trait of instant gratification even extends to Africans who still live in Africa. I watched a show on television that basically that Africans will take what little money they have in order to obtain certain luxury items, like televisions and radios and cellphones and such rather than save their money and try to create a brighter future for themselves or their children.

This makes me wonder why we are the way we are. I believe it partly stems from the fact that most blacks have never had anything and when we obtain the means to acquire better things we jump on it. We want to be like the majority of other races, we want to know how it feels to have something. I also believe it may be due to the fact that we as humans have the need to constantly try to impress other people. we want better shoe, clothes, and cars than our friends and neighbors although we all probably could use a better home. The other reason may be because a large majority of blacks have never been taught fiscal responsibility, we were never taught the value of saving for the future since our parents never had anything and had to live for each day. We carry on that same mentality.

Instant gratification can only bring short term happiness. Saving your money and investing in things that will mature with age is the best thing you can do for your family. I watch our young professional athletes and music artist and actors take the millions they make and waste it on cars and gaudy jewelry that no one will want in a few years. These things depreciate in value. Instead they should invest in stocks and bonds and in real property, businesses and art work, things that appreciate over time. Yet since most of them have never had anything, they indulge in the extravagance to try and make up for the things they lacked growing up. Other races love this, because it means we won't get ahead but instead spend our money on goods and products owned by them making them richer. Their are some celebrities that understand this and make wise financial decisions and I commend them, I only hate that they don't take the time to help those less fortunate than them. The best thing a person can do is let his/her money for him/her. That's how the rich get richer. So if you are reading this and happen to get a windfall some time in the near future, I hope you will invest wisely and make more money and help the black community in some way. I know I will.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Out of Control Teens

What do you do as a parent of an out of control teen? Recently my sister began displaying behavior that was completely unacceptable. She has been out of control and I don't know what to do about it. My mother has gotten older and can't really handle a teenager. She's had a rough life and having to be a single parent made it even worse. So for my youngest sister to be completely ungrateful for all that she has been given and the sacrifices my mother has had to make, pisses me off. I strongly dislike ungrateful kids, yet it seems that more and more of them are that way. Who do we blame for the way teenagers act these days? The parents? The environment? Friends? Rap Music? Who do we point the finger at for the way our children are turning out and what do we do to stop it?

This behavior isn't limited to poor kids or a single race, kids of all racial and social backgrounds are behaving worse and worse. Maybe it's the Seriously this generation doesn't respect their parents, they don't respect authority, they don't respect anything. They are willing to die or kill with no thought to the value of life. They live their lives recklessly with complete disregard for any and everything that gets in the way of what they want. It scares me to know that or children don't value our lives or their own. How do you combat that? I have such a strong passion for children and wanting to help them, but how do help those who don't want help? My friend's mother tried therapy but that isn't working? Do we enroll them in a boot camp or military school or let them head off to prison or a juvenile detention center or worse the grave? i do believe that some parents could put more effort in raising their children and instilling good morals and values in them, but there are many parents who have tried their bast to raise good kids, but other influences won out. As a parent, it frightens me to think of how my children's generation will turn out. Perhaps we can find a way to combat the gang influence and the draw of fast money within the coming years and save our children.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spiteful Parents

What type of person uses his/her child against the other parent? One that obviously doesn't care the emotional welfare of his/her child. I so often hear a custodial parent threatening the non-custodial parent to not let him/her see the child again because they are mad that he/she has someone new in his/her life, or maybe the non-custodial parent has asked for joint custody, or maybe the custodial parent just wants to use the child to bribe the other parent for money. Whatever the reason, it is a horrible thing to do to a child. It's hard enough on a child growing up in a single parent household without having to watch his parents argue and even worse not being able to see the other parent due to spite. As a product of a single family home, I've always wished for a father who cared enough about me to fight for me. Women who have children by men who actually want to see their children and participate in raising them , should be lucky. There are so many dead beat dads (and moms) out there. Children deserve to have both parents in their lives in order to become healthy productive adults.

Spite and vengeance are dangerous emotions. They lead people to make selfish decisions that hurt others. Many of us wish we had the foresight not to procreate with the mother/father of our child(ren). Hindsight is 20-20. If only we knew how evil, conniving, and selfish they were; of course, there are usually signs we just choose to ignore them. Our children look to us to see how members of the opposite should interact and if we act petty and selfish and vengeful, our children will grow up to think that this is how adult relationships work. Then when you're older and hopefully wiser, you'll wonder why your child turned out the way he/she did. It's time parents stop using their children as pawns. They deserve both parents, so get over your baby daddy leaving you for another woman or seeking joint custody. If he is a good father, acknowledge this fact and work with him to teach your child the values you want him to have throughout life. Stop being bitter and be the bigger person. Put your child first.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Does it really matter who brings home the bacon? It seems that more and more women are becoming the breadwinners in there households. Some men can't handle it. Society has taught us that a man should take care of the woman, he should support her and she should take care of the home. Many men are insecure when it comes to dating women who makes more money than them. It's time to get over that insecurity. I see nothing wrong with a man making less money than a woman. It's time for men to see how it feels to have to do the laundry, cook dinner, take of the kids after school. They need that experience in order to truly appreciate the things that women do. If I end up making more money that my man, than so be it. Once you're married you become one. What's his becomes yours and what's yours becomes his. They is no me, it's all about we. Your are a family and it shouldn't matter who brings home more money as long as you love each other and are secure in your relationship. Women are not docile creatures and we aren't the property of men anymore. We are equal to men or better than them. We see the world from a different perspective and we understand the changing times. We push for change, yet some men can't seem to move pass the past. They can't accept that women are no longer relying on them for support, they don't know how to accept their new role. This causes a lot of potential relationships to end or never truly begin and destroys some marriages. It's time to get over it. Times have changed and the roles of men and women in society have changed for the better. Once men can accept this, more women may be willing to date guys who make less than them. A lot of women are tired of guys being turned off because they are professionals and make a nice income. it's not our fault if a lot of brothas don't have educations or don't have the drive to better themselves. We didn't do it. They did it to themselves. We grew up in the same environments as they did, yet we managed to make it. Don't blame us for your shortcomings. Don't feel inferior because you don't make a lot of money. They are alot of professional women who are more than willing to date a man who makes less money, they just want someone who will treat them right. That's more important than any amount of money.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sex, Lies, and Videotape

Why haven't politician's learned their lessons yet? Why is it that they continue to get caught in compromising positions? These men are supposed to be our "leaders" yet they can't even get infidelity right. I don't expect them to be faithful, that would be asking too much. I just ask that if you cheat, learn how not to get caught. I'm sure all these men have friends who are notorious cheaters who have yet to get caught, ask for some pointers. I just don't get it, at least weigh the cost/benefit analysis. Is a piece of ass worth your career, Bill, Gov. Spitzer, Larry Craig? Men as a whole suck as cheating, they don't know how to cover their tracks, but there are some men who excel at it. To be the wife of any one who is constantly in the spotlight has to be difficult, you have to play your role as loving wife regardless of what's really going on in your personal life. Of course, some women know how to use their men's inability to keep his pants zipped to their advantage. I see nothing wrong with that, milk him for all he's worth. You deserve something out of the relationship.

Paying for a prostitute, hooker, call girl escort, whatever you want to call it, is just stupid when you are a high profile person. The odds of you getting found out is extremely high. Paying someone for sex is illegal, the person you pay will inevitably get caught. When that happens,, guess what, you get found out. Whether it's through an FBI wiretap, the call girl spilling her guts, or just some random person seeing you. You will get caught. You'd be better off sleeping with a colleagues wife, at least she'll have something to lose too.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Depression in the Black Community

While in Border's, I came across a book concerning the role depression has played in the lives of black America. I can't remember the name of the book at this exact moment but I will look for it the next time I'm in Border's. The book's jacket mentioned how depression has had a hand in the level of crime, violence, sex, and drugs that runs rampant in the black community. I began to ponder this idea a little more and came to conclude that they may be on to something. My boyfriend pointed out to me how in America, poor white Americans usually live in rural areas while poor black Americans normally live in urban environments surrounded by the wealth of white Americans. Blacks are subjected to the knowledge that they have nothing on a daily basis while poor whites are usually secluded from this daily reminder of their status in life. And on the hypocrisy and prejudice of Americans and one can see why blacks have a reason to be depressed.
Black people are notorious for shunning the idea of psychiatric help and instead relying on self- help or self-medication to deal with the problems in their lives. We drink and do drugs so we won't have to think about our problems. We don't want to face reality because reality sucks. Drugs and alcohol let's you forget about the pain. They are two of the most common outlets utilized in American culture regardless of race. We have sex because it makes us feel good temporarily, it makes us feel wanted and special. It allows you to put your problems at the hopelessness and that's all depression really is, a feeling of hopelessness. When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. I don't advocate crime, but I can understand how circumstances can lead someone to commit certain crimes. Of course I have never understood why people rob people who don't have anything just like they don't.

Depression is not the reason for all the actions of black people, but it is definitely a contributing factor. Depression is not something to be taken lightly. It does actually require help. We all feel down at times, but being clinically depressed is a serious issue. Self-medicating doesn't help the situation, it only exacerbates it. There needs to be a way to reach people and offer help. We as a black community owe it to ourselves, our children, and our communities to help each other. Black America's station in society is reaching an all time low and it is up to us to help ourselves because no one else will. If we don't do anything to help each other, we can count on more depression which will lead to even more drugs use, alcohol abuse, unprotected sex, and crime. And none of us want that.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

This past week at work, i managed to contract the stomach flu or rather gastroenteritis. For those of you who don't know what this is, let me enlighten you. This is an viral infection of the intestines. This is nothing like influenza. This illness causes painful abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, possible fever, chills, and dizziness. It is no joke. The only good thing about it is that it doesn't last long. By the second day, i was already feeling better. But the first night was hell, I literally felt like someone was trying to yang my insides out. i thought I was going to die. All this because someone either contaminated my food or serving utensils, let me explain. At my current job we are provided lunch on a daily basis. Nice healthy well-rounded meals. So of course everyone takes advantage of it. Last week people started dropping like flies, complaining of the stomach flu and I subsequently became a victim. Stomach flu is highly contagious and is usually spread by interaction with someone who has it, such as kissing, things of that nature; or by eating contaminated food that has been prepared by someone with the virus or by touching things that have been touched by someone with the virus who hasn't washed his/her hands. All this could have been avoided if people would just wash their hands!!! I lost two days pay and went through hell, all because somebody refuses to wash his/her nasty hands. What is wrong with people? I don't know if it was one of the food preparers, although I normally see them with gloves, or one of my nasty co-workers. Regardless, it takes all of twenty seconds to was your hands. I've seen women leave the restroom and walk right past the sink like it's not even there. Why? It's just gross. Washing your hands is one of the easiest task asked of a person. It's all to prevent things like this from happening. Now that I know there are some people at my job who don't believe in washing their filthy hands. I will be washing my hands after I touch anything in that office and i have no plans of eating lunch there anytime soon. I'm also thinking about investing in gloves. I'm no germaphobe but the pain I experienced two days ago was enough to make me more cautious. So this is my cautionary tale. Please be careful of eating out and wash your hands after touching anything someone else has touched. I learned my lesson a little too late, hopefully you won't.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm sorry the blog has not been updated. I am not feeling well but as soon as I do I will write more blogs that I hope you all will enjoy.


Monday, March 3, 2008


Is a black woman who relaxes her hair or wears a weave practicing self-hatred? How about any black man or woman who exclusively dates outside the black race? Is it self-hatred or just a lust for something different. Black women have been relaxing their hair for decades, not because of a need to be white but because it makes our kinky hair easier to manage and it looks nice. It's purely vanity, not hatred. I have never been a fan of weaves but I don't begrudge those who feel the need to wear one. A good weave looks nice and most people who don't have long hair crave it. Weaves are the perfect solution.The only time I begin to wonder if someone hates her self because of her skin color and/or race is when I see a woman with blond weaves and blue contacts. There are no black people born with blond hair and blue eyes. It's one thing if blond hair complements your skin color, but blue eyes is just wrong and if you are too dark for a blond weave, I definitely believe you have some self-image problems. As for those who date exclusively outside our race, well either you hate yourself and what your skin color has come to represent or you legitimately don't find black men/women attractive and not because of their skin color or "attitude"or other asinine reason, if that's possible.

The question I have is why are we the only race that seems to deal with self-hatred. You never see white people telling those of their race who have genuinely defected to the other side that they hate themselves, why is that? Is it because of the long history blacks have had with being race conscious and feeling inferior? Why don't we love our kinky hair or dark skin? Our voluptuous lips and hips and bottoms? We should because apparently every other culture grave what we have naturally. So I believe it is time we learned to love these things about ourselves and be proud of who we are and how we look. We are all beautiful because of the uniqueness of our race. We com in all shades and shapes, with varied features and we have hair with the most versatility. We should embrace our blackness and love the way we look.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Have you ever felt like you weren't doing anything with your life? You know you have a purpose in life but you just don't know what it is. Sometimes I feel so strongly that I am just letting my life pass me by and in 15 years I'm going to wish for the days that I have wasted doing nothing. I've always felt that I was meant to do something to help other people, yet I can't seem to figure out exactly what that something is or even how to go about finding a way to figure it out. Some days I feel like a shell of a person and that I am just letting life pass me by. I'm merely existing, not truly living. I hate that feeling, but I don't know what to do. Maybe it's fear holding me back, I'm really not sure. I just believe I should be doing something to help others and it seems that whatever that is I am going to have to do on my own. Being a Pisces, it's natural for me to want to help others. I don't mean giving a homeless person a dollar, but really making a difference. That's what I want to do with my life. It's more important than being rich. I feel so much for other people that sometimes I'm taken advantage of because I need to believe that there is still good in the world. I'm feeling a little lost though, trying to find my way in a world where everyone is giving up on each other. We as a society have become so selfish and self-involved, all we care about is what we want and need. Forget about the next guy who has absolutely nothing do to no fault of his own. Maybe if we spent a little more time helping others, society wouldn't be in the state it is today. It breaks my heart to see so many children committing crimes, joining gangs, murdering other people for no real reason at all. Locking them up doesn't solve the problem. They are replaced with other willing kids ready to "get rich or die tryin". I find myself constantly wondering what went wrong and can these same children be saved and if so what can I do to save them. I hate the world we live in. There is no peace, no love, only war. We are all at war with each other. Whether it's for a job or for oil, we are all at battle. Will it only get worse as time continues on? Will we lose more of our children to the streets, jail or the grave? Will we continue to become so self-centered that we forget what helping others is altogether? Will we continue on this destructive path and cease to be human at all. Being human requires the ability to care and feel. People who no longer do those things are no longer human in my eyes. They are the aliens. The evil doers. I refuse to lose my humanity and soul for materialistic things. I will forever be human. I've seen a lot of things in my 27 years on this planet, I've experienced some things that could have weakened my resolve to help others. I could have stopped loving a long time ago but I refuse to become that soulless person. We all have a choice in what type of person we are or will become. Will you allow the actions of others to control the choices you make? To decide the type of person you will be? Or will you refuse to lose your faith in the midst of the storm and hold strong to all that you believe in? My faith is constantly being tested and sometimes I seem to fail. But to fail means to give up and that is something I refuse to do. Even on my worse days, I still keep a glimmer of hope that one day I will succeed in helping others and maybe making the world a better place for my children or grandchildren. Without this faith, I am nothing.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Patience Is A Virtue

While standing at the ATM today waiting for some idiot to finish up, I realized just how much of a virtue patience really is. I have very little patience and it gets worse when I'm having a bad day. So my advice for anyone like me to try to avoid any place where there are lines and you are not having a good day. Don't go to the bank or the ATM, because it is inevitable that there will be someone there who will take twenty minutes at the window or at the machine. It does matter how long you stand there and look at the receipt, the amount of money you have in the bank won't change. You can't make it magically appear in your bank account, please just keep it moving; there are five people behind you who would like to get there cash or make a deposit and get on with their day. Another place to avoid is the post office on a Saturday, this is the day when working people do their mailing. Going to the post office should be a fairly easy task, yet somehow someone always manages to turn it into a chore. Maybe its the little old lady that ask a thousand questions when all she needed was a money order or some stamps. Perhaps it's someone who has twenty packages and can't decide how to mail them. Whatever the reason, someone always manages to prolong the task. Also, there's the grocery store, there's bound to be someone who wants to pay in change, or God forbid write a check!! Are you serious, who writes checks anymore. Ever heard of debit card?/Then, of course, there is the dreaded DMV. If you have no patience you should try your best to stay away from this place. The DMV is hell for a person with no patience, between the lines and the rude workers, it could lead to a massive blowup. All in all I believe it is best to stay away from these places as long as you can, of course, at some point you will have to visit them Some more often than others, but please try not to do it when you are having a bad day. That fish or bread you want is not worth the anger or annoyance you will feel.