Thursday, March 20, 2008

Out of Control Teens

What do you do as a parent of an out of control teen? Recently my sister began displaying behavior that was completely unacceptable. She has been out of control and I don't know what to do about it. My mother has gotten older and can't really handle a teenager. She's had a rough life and having to be a single parent made it even worse. So for my youngest sister to be completely ungrateful for all that she has been given and the sacrifices my mother has had to make, pisses me off. I strongly dislike ungrateful kids, yet it seems that more and more of them are that way. Who do we blame for the way teenagers act these days? The parents? The environment? Friends? Rap Music? Who do we point the finger at for the way our children are turning out and what do we do to stop it?

This behavior isn't limited to poor kids or a single race, kids of all racial and social backgrounds are behaving worse and worse. Maybe it's the Seriously this generation doesn't respect their parents, they don't respect authority, they don't respect anything. They are willing to die or kill with no thought to the value of life. They live their lives recklessly with complete disregard for any and everything that gets in the way of what they want. It scares me to know that or children don't value our lives or their own. How do you combat that? I have such a strong passion for children and wanting to help them, but how do help those who don't want help? My friend's mother tried therapy but that isn't working? Do we enroll them in a boot camp or military school or let them head off to prison or a juvenile detention center or worse the grave? i do believe that some parents could put more effort in raising their children and instilling good morals and values in them, but there are many parents who have tried their bast to raise good kids, but other influences won out. As a parent, it frightens me to think of how my children's generation will turn out. Perhaps we can find a way to combat the gang influence and the draw of fast money within the coming years and save our children.

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