While in Border's, I came across a book concerning the role depression has played in the lives of black America. I can't remember the name of the book at this exact moment but I will look for it the next time I'm in Border's. The book's jacket mentioned how depression has had a hand in the level of crime, violence, sex, and drugs that runs rampant in the black community. I began to ponder this idea a little more and came to conclude that they may be on to something. My boyfriend pointed out to me how in America, poor white Americans usually live in rural areas while poor black Americans normally live in urban environments surrounded by the wealth of white Americans. Blacks are subjected to the knowledge that they have nothing on a daily basis while poor whites are usually secluded from this daily reminder of their status in life. And on the hypocrisy and prejudice of Americans and one can see why blacks have a reason to be depressed.
Black people are notorious for shunning the idea of psychiatric help and instead relying on self- help or self-medication to deal with the problems in their lives. We drink and do drugs so we won't have to think about our problems. We don't want to face reality because reality sucks. Drugs and alcohol let's you forget about the pain. They are two of the most common outlets utilized in American culture regardless of race. We have sex because it makes us feel good temporarily, it makes us feel wanted and special. It allows you to put your problems at the hopelessness and that's all depression really is, a feeling of hopelessness. When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. I don't advocate crime, but I can understand how circumstances can lead someone to commit certain crimes. Of course I have never understood why people rob people who don't have anything just like they don't.
Depression is not the reason for all the actions of black people, but it is definitely a contributing factor. Depression is not something to be taken lightly. It does actually require help. We all feel down at times, but being clinically depressed is a serious issue. Self-medicating doesn't help the situation, it only exacerbates it. There needs to be a way to reach people and offer help. We as a black community owe it to ourselves, our children, and our communities to help each other. Black America's station in society is reaching an all time low and it is up to us to help ourselves because no one else will. If we don't do anything to help each other, we can count on more depression which will lead to even more drugs use, alcohol abuse, unprotected sex, and crime. And none of us want that.
1 comment:
I was recently listening to Creflo Dollar (whom I highly recommend) and I finally realized why there are soooo many churches in the black community. Church provides a form of counseling. Not the best counseling, as it isn't really personalized, but some counseling that can be helpful to at least a few. I have known quite a few people that were able to turn away from drug, alcohol and other abuses when they joined a church.
I do agree with you. Psychiatric help is something that has a negative stigma in the black community, which is ridiculous. I once thought about using my psychology background to start some sort of mass counseling project in the black community. Maybe I will one day. you have been touching on some really good topics.
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