Monday, October 27, 2008

Senseless Killings

I just saw the report that a child's body was found in the trunk of Jennifer Hudson's murdered brother's missing SUV and we all know that the body will be identified as her missing nephew. I am deeply sadden by the events that have taken place this weekend and the tragedy that has befallen her family. As a mother, hearing about the death of a child breaks my heart especially when the child dies at the hands of brutality. Whoever murdered this family is a cold callous psychopath. Anyone who can take the life of a child has no heart and no conscience. It seems that everyday someone takes the life of another person. What has the world come to? The number of senseless killings seems to have magnified in recent years, with the youth of today having no value for human life not even their own. Senseless killings like that of Hudson's family should not go unpunished and hopefully the perpetrator is caught. My mind is just reeling from the news of this massacre. I don't really have the words to explain how angry this makes me. I'm so tired of reading about the murder of innocent people who have done nothing to deserve to lose their lives. What the hell is wrong with people? Will the killing ever stop? Is there anything we as a people can do to stop it? I have a lot of questions but no answers, hopefully someone else does.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Black Republicans

Is that an oxymoron? What type of black person finds him/herself identifying with Republicans? Politics is a dirty game and Black America has always come out as losers but even more so when the government is being run by Republicans. So how does one become a Black Republican? Are you filthy rich and reap benefits from the tax breaks the wealthy receive from Republicans or are you a Republican because you identify with the religious and "moral" belief's that Republicans preach about constantly? Perhaps a Democrat wronged you personally in some way and it's revenge, I don't really know. I tend to not discuss politics with people because it is a very dangerous subject and one never knows how the guy sitting next to you may feel. I don't take issues with anyone's political views as long as they can justify why they believe what it is that they believe in, only when one's reasoning is completely asinine do I take issue. I don't care if you are a member of the Democratic Party, Republican Party, Independents, Socialists, or the Green Party, if you aren't a true believer in what that party stands for then don't talk politics with me. Being black in a country run by the opposing race has lead us to identify with the lesser of the two evils, the Democrats. Liberals have done far more than Republicans have for blacks and that's not saying much. To me being a Black Republican is kind of like a slap in the face to our ancestors. Republican governments never lifted a finger to assist in helping blacks get past de facto and de jure segregation. So why should they get our vote to continue to disenfranchise black Americans. I'm not telling anyone what political party to identify with but if you are a Black Republican I see no need to announce it to the world because at the end of the day they don't really want you anyway and you will never be a part of the good ole boys club.