Friday, May 14, 2010

Sexual Experimentation

Why is society more accepting of women experimenting sexually than men who do so? It's okay for a woman to kiss another woman, even "sleep" with another woman. Yet if a man were to experiment with another guy by kissing or exhibiting any type of sexual behavior he is deemed gay. Why aren't women who experiment with other women deemed gay automatically? Is it because men get off on seeing two women together or is it because two women can't truly engage in sexual intercourse? Personally I think a person should choose a side and stick with it but that's just my opinion. I don't differentiate between women who experiment and men who do the same. Every one's sexual needs are different and no one has a right to tell a person what is right or wrong for them; but the double standard that exists when it comes to sexuality is wrong. It's okay for Katy Perry to sign about kissing a girl but no straight guy could ever get away with singing about kissing another guy. We are all hypocrites some more so than others but maybe if we stop judging other people and let them be who they are the world would be a nicer happier place.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What's In A Name

I had a conversation today about whether having a black sounding name is a factor in whether you get a call for a job interview or not. I tend to believe it does play a factor for some people. As much as we want to believe in this post-racial modern world, it doesn't exist.There are still people that judge you based on your skin color. So yes it's possible that someone in human resources or whoever looks at resumes may have seen Laquisha Jackson and automatically tossed it in the trash. I can't say how common this practice is but I can say that I believe it occurs.

For as long as I can remember minorities, particularly blacks have always been judged as a group. If one of us does something wrong, we all are stereotyped. The public image of blacks makes intelligent blacks seem like a huge exception to the rule instead of the rule itself. There are many reasons behind this, some may even say some are correct in their perpetuation of the black image; but I was taught to judge every man based on his own qualities and character not on those of his brother or his cousin Ray-Ray. So the images that are portrayed of blacks in the media as thugs and buffoons is projected upon us as a race which then makes it harder for those of us who don't fit in that category. We have to jump through hoops to disprove stereotypes. It's not fair, but whoever said life is fair. Why doesn't the name Helikopter (real name) elicit the same resume trashing as say a Nykesha? Will there ever be a time when blacks are judged individually and not as a group? Despite what some may think, we can't all sing, dance, play sports, and not every LaQuisha is welfare baby-mama. Please open your eyes and see that a name doesn't define a person just like the color of my skin doesn't determine my intelligence or character.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sincere Ignorance and Conscientious Stupidity

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King definitely knew what he was talking about when he said those words. There seems to be an over abundance of both these days. It saddens me to live in this world. The lack of common sense amongst people is astounding. I remember jokingly asking people if they are really that stupid and it seems that some people truly are. it's sad that the society we live in is filled with morons who spew hatred not because they want to inflame but because they truly are ignorant and are consciously stupid about the world we live in and the roles we play.

The onslaught of racists statements that have been making the news lately don't bother me. I was never under the impression that we live in a post-racial world. There will always be ignorant people in the world and therefore there will always be racism. I don't see the point of me getting upset every time some idiot makes a racial comment. I don't really care what ignorant people believe. I know who I am and I know what I am capable of , what anyone else thinks is irrelevant. So for all those out there who are sincerely ignorant and consciously stupid, I feel sorry for you and I can only hope that one day a drop of intelligence will seep into your vacuous minds.