Friday, May 14, 2010

Sexual Experimentation

Why is society more accepting of women experimenting sexually than men who do so? It's okay for a woman to kiss another woman, even "sleep" with another woman. Yet if a man were to experiment with another guy by kissing or exhibiting any type of sexual behavior he is deemed gay. Why aren't women who experiment with other women deemed gay automatically? Is it because men get off on seeing two women together or is it because two women can't truly engage in sexual intercourse? Personally I think a person should choose a side and stick with it but that's just my opinion. I don't differentiate between women who experiment and men who do the same. Every one's sexual needs are different and no one has a right to tell a person what is right or wrong for them; but the double standard that exists when it comes to sexuality is wrong. It's okay for Katy Perry to sign about kissing a girl but no straight guy could ever get away with singing about kissing another guy. We are all hypocrites some more so than others but maybe if we stop judging other people and let them be who they are the world would be a nicer happier place.

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