Friday, February 29, 2008

My Rant

Men: can't live with them, can't live without them. (well, maybe you can, but they come in handy every once and a while). But why do they have to be so irritating??? They just have a way of pushing our buttons. For me it's when my boyfriend acts completely nonchalant about things they I believe are important; and it's not even things that concern me but rather him or us as a couple. That irks me to no end. Sometimes I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, but then I'm sure my neighbors would call the police and I wouldn't want that. Why do men and women think so differently? Why is it that we care so much more than they do? It boggles the mind.

I love men. I love hanging out with them, I love dating them, I love laughing and talking with them. I get along really well with men in general, but it doesn't mean I understand them. I spent most of my teenage years around my brother's friends and I loved to here them talk. It was useful to see how men talk about women and just get to see what men do when they get together. They are about twenty times worse than women. Men gossip so much!! They watch soap operas, they have silly know it all conversations and spend a lot of time trying to outdo each other. I can't count the number of times I have laughed at out of shaped over the hill men trying to show who's best at basketball or track or something physical. It's the funniest thing ever. It's all about the male ego. They just have to win or be the best. Crazy. And they are super sensitive, it may not be about the way they look like women are, but almost everything else is a go. Again it's the ego. It's such a fragile thing and they are the biggest babies when their feelings are hurt or God forbid them catch a cold. You'd think they had a life threatening illness, when we get colds we roll with it and still endure. Then they complain about how women nag all the time, when all we are trying to do is get some straight answers or get them to do something they should have or should be doing anyway. We don't enjoy yelling at our men or having to constantly ask them to do something. It annoys you, well what do you think it does to women. Sometimes I get tired of hearing my voice from having to repeatedly ask a man to do something or explain why he did or did not do something. It's physically draining and gives me a headache, so believe me "nagging" a man brings women no pleasure. And if you hate it that much, go get a man and leave us women the hell alone.

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