Monday, March 8, 2010

What's the obsession with big butts?

Why don't women love themselves? First it was fake nail, fake breasts and weaves now it's fake asses. When did people become so obsessed with having an ass? I was just reading the story on the 6 women in New Jersey who unknowingly received caulk in their asses. What the hell is wrong with people? Do you really need a big butt that badly that you would let some unlicensed prick inject you? Everywhere I look there is ass on display and a discussion of whether it's real or butt pads or injections. Why can't we all just be happy with what we were born with? IF you are one of the unfortunate ones born with flat backs embrace it. There is nothing wrong with lacking in the breat or butt department, men will still date you. Lo9ve yourself for who you are and stop trying to be a carbon copy of Kim Kardashian or any other celebrity who probably doesn't love herself which is why she's getting fake butts and breasts. If we as women stop objectifying ourselves, perhaps we could get our respect back. Do men even like fake butts?

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