Friday, March 12, 2010

Public Transportation Etiquette

I hate hate hate public transportation, if it didn't cost an arm and a leg to drive downtown and if there were ample parking I would never take public transportation. People are rude and nasty and disrespectful and the list goes on. There is such a thing as public transportation etiquette yet so many fail to follow it. Here are just a few:

1. Keep your cellphone conversations to a minimum, no one wants to hear about your date last night or hear you trying to sell your vicodin.
2. Don't use your cellphone as a radio no one wants to here "get low".
3. Don't stretch out across the seats especially during rush hour, you aren't the only one who wants to sit down after a long day.
4. Don't eat your smelly Popeye's or Burger King or any other meal on the train. We don't want to smell that crap.
5. Don't yell and curse an the top of your lungs just for the hell of it, it's annoying and makes people want to slap you.
6. Invest in better earbuds for your mp3 player. I really shouldn't hear your Coldplay or Lil Wayne or Spanish music from 3 feet away.
7. Don't stand in the doorway and then get mad when you get bumped by someone trying to get on or off; move your ass out of the way.
8. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. No one wants your nasty germs, we need our paychecks just like you and would prefer not to get sick and have to miss work.

Please people we all have to share the space so learn some damn manners!

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