Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fight Night

So I saw this article about a young girl getting her faced permanently scarred in a fight with a chick who dates her sister;s ex boyfriend. Why do girls fight over dudes and in this situation why is the girl attacking the sister? I've seen girls become permanently scarred over guys before and I don' t really get why. When I was in middle school, I watched two chicks fight over the same dude. Both girls were around 17 and apparently sleeping with this guy. By the end of the fight, both girls had been cut with box cutters. One across her face and the other across her chest and the worst part about it was that they were cousins. Cousins! Two cousins permanently disfigured each other over a guy who literally watched them knife each other and did nothing to stop it. Why do women act such as ass over a guy?

You see girls fighting each other over guys who aren't either of their boyfriend or the chick who catches her cheating man and wants to fight the woman. Why expend all this energy and subject yourself to physical pain for a guy who is probably a dog and doesn't even want you? When will girls realize that fighting over a man means nothing to him besides entertainment and a boost to his ego. Ladies let it go and stop hurting yourselves over a man. Is a guy who you won't be with in 3 months really worth permanent disfigurement to your face or body? I think not!

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