Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is everyone gay now?

It seems like every time I go on a blog or gossip site; the writers are referring to some celebrity (any person in the spotlight) as being gay. When did everyone become gay simply because of the way they look or dress, I have no problem with homosexuality, but is it necessary to constantly claim someone who you probably don't even know as being gay? And even if the person is gay, why does it matter? Will he be any less of a performer or actor or model if he is gay? Will women no longer listen to his music? I don't think so.

When will being gay no longer be a shocking item like being black and intelligent has been for ages? Perhaps if we spent less time focused on the sexuality of other people, we could have healthy meaningful relationships ourselves. I know a lot of women, particularly black women, have dealt with the down low brother; but just because one guy wasn't honest about his sexuality doesn't mean they all are lying.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Undesirable Undies

So I recently watched a video from the Today Show and it centered around retailers selling used underwear. Can you say gross!!! The reporters went and bought the underwear, took all the tags off and then went and tried to return them and most of the retailers accepted them. Then the reporters went and bought underwear again and spotted them with a liquid. The retailers still accepted the return! I'm not talking about the stores that sell panties 5 for $10 but actual department stores and chains such as everyone's favorite Victoria's Secret, Nordstroms, the Gap and Macy's. I have always been under the impression that underwear was non returnable, particularly if the tag is missing; but sure as the sun shines these retailers took back these undies, placed new tags on them and but them back on display. What kind of nasty ish is that? Even if the person never wore them just knowing another person owned the underwear you just bought is pretty gross. Are retailers such tightwads and so much about the bottom lone that they would put their customers health in jeopardy: apparently so. So for all you ladies and gents who like to buy their ladies sexy undies or who like to cross dress (I don't judge) inspect the underwear carefully before you buy and please make sure you wash before wearing!

The link is below!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fight Night

So I saw this article about a young girl getting her faced permanently scarred in a fight with a chick who dates her sister;s ex boyfriend. Why do girls fight over dudes and in this situation why is the girl attacking the sister? I've seen girls become permanently scarred over guys before and I don' t really get why. When I was in middle school, I watched two chicks fight over the same dude. Both girls were around 17 and apparently sleeping with this guy. By the end of the fight, both girls had been cut with box cutters. One across her face and the other across her chest and the worst part about it was that they were cousins. Cousins! Two cousins permanently disfigured each other over a guy who literally watched them knife each other and did nothing to stop it. Why do women act such as ass over a guy?

You see girls fighting each other over guys who aren't either of their boyfriend or the chick who catches her cheating man and wants to fight the woman. Why expend all this energy and subject yourself to physical pain for a guy who is probably a dog and doesn't even want you? When will girls realize that fighting over a man means nothing to him besides entertainment and a boost to his ego. Ladies let it go and stop hurting yourselves over a man. Is a guy who you won't be with in 3 months really worth permanent disfigurement to your face or body? I think not!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why are men so weird?

So my friend sent me this news article about a woman who's goal is to become the world's fattest woman. She already holds the record for the world's fattest mother yet just like any overachiever; she wants it all. Anyway, in the article she explains how she is able to afford to buy enough food to accomplish her mission. Apparently, she has a website where men pay to watch her eat. How disgusting! That got me thinking about why men are such weird creatures. I know there are some weird freaky women out there but men take the cake. The fetishes they have are beyond gross sometimes i.e. drinking you wife's menstrual blood as a turn on. What is wrong with men? I know this is not all guys but it seems like so many of you have weird sometimes disgusting issues/fetishes, such as burusera (panty fetish) which is hugely popular in Japan so much they have vending machines with panties or emetophilia (turned on by vomit). Can one of you explain to me why this is?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Public Transportation Etiquette

I hate hate hate public transportation, if it didn't cost an arm and a leg to drive downtown and if there were ample parking I would never take public transportation. People are rude and nasty and disrespectful and the list goes on. There is such a thing as public transportation etiquette yet so many fail to follow it. Here are just a few:

1. Keep your cellphone conversations to a minimum, no one wants to hear about your date last night or hear you trying to sell your vicodin.
2. Don't use your cellphone as a radio no one wants to here "get low".
3. Don't stretch out across the seats especially during rush hour, you aren't the only one who wants to sit down after a long day.
4. Don't eat your smelly Popeye's or Burger King or any other meal on the train. We don't want to smell that crap.
5. Don't yell and curse an the top of your lungs just for the hell of it, it's annoying and makes people want to slap you.
6. Invest in better earbuds for your mp3 player. I really shouldn't hear your Coldplay or Lil Wayne or Spanish music from 3 feet away.
7. Don't stand in the doorway and then get mad when you get bumped by someone trying to get on or off; move your ass out of the way.
8. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. No one wants your nasty germs, we need our paychecks just like you and would prefer not to get sick and have to miss work.

Please people we all have to share the space so learn some damn manners!

Monday, March 8, 2010

What's the obsession with big butts?

Why don't women love themselves? First it was fake nail, fake breasts and weaves now it's fake asses. When did people become so obsessed with having an ass? I was just reading the story on the 6 women in New Jersey who unknowingly received caulk in their asses. What the hell is wrong with people? Do you really need a big butt that badly that you would let some unlicensed prick inject you? Everywhere I look there is ass on display and a discussion of whether it's real or butt pads or injections. Why can't we all just be happy with what we were born with? IF you are one of the unfortunate ones born with flat backs embrace it. There is nothing wrong with lacking in the breat or butt department, men will still date you. Lo9ve yourself for who you are and stop trying to be a carbon copy of Kim Kardashian or any other celebrity who probably doesn't love herself which is why she's getting fake butts and breasts. If we as women stop objectifying ourselves, perhaps we could get our respect back. Do men even like fake butts?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Internet Addiction

Korean parents neglect they're real baby to take care of a virtual child. What is wrong with the world? I wonder if internet addiction will be a viable defense at their trial? Gaming and internet addiction seems to me a ridiculous phenomenon but appears to be real. Yet, I can't wrap my mind around how someone can become so into a game that they neglect themselves or the ones around them. I've seen my boyfriend and my son sit and play video games for almost 24 hours straight and I don't see the appeal. To not eat because you are so obsessed with playing a game sounds like a bad joke. What is wrong with these people? Perhaps I don't understand because I don't have an addictive personality. There is nothing that compels me to continue to do it. Have the people who neglect their own general welfare or that of a child lost akll touch with reality? Can video gaming lead to a form of psychosis? Online addiction is a new concept and surely will become more widespread as people become more sedentary and as we continue to create products that make it easier not to have to physically move to acquire or use the product. Online shopping, online television, interactive gaming, virtual babies...the list goes on and on. Are humans as we know them becoming extinct? Will we all become internet obsesses zombies with no real lives just interactive ones? Scary.