Thursday, August 28, 2008

Having Your Cake And Eating It Too

Recently a friend sent me a link to a story involving a woman, her husband, and her live-in boyfriend. Say what??? This lady was having her cake and eating it too as the saying goes. She had a husband and a boyfriend who were willing to share her. How often does that happen? I've only seen it in movies. Of course this too good to be true story ended badly; at least for the men. Apparently one day the lady and the boyfriend were having sexual intercourse and the husband got mad and demanded they stop. I guess he finally came to his senses that sharing your wife is not a good idea or perhaps it was merely his turn and the boyfriend wasn't playing fair. Whatever the reason for the husband's change of heart, it led to a physical altercation where both men were injured and subsequently arrested. Then to top it all off, the lady put them both out. I guess she no longer wanted the baggage of dealing with two men. I mean seriously, it's hard enough to deal with one. This story goes to show that sometime fantasies should stay fantasies because in reality things never work out the way one expects.

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