Wednesday, August 13, 2008


With the recent death of Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes within a day of each other, I begin to think about how short life really is. A couple of months ago a friend of mine had his younger brother die unexpectedly. He was only 21 years old, just went to sleep and didn't wake up again. I have come to realize that sometimes there is no tomorrow. The saying "why put off 'til tomorrow what you can do today" is really resonating with me now. It's time to go for what you want, to grab the bull by the bull by the horns as they say. We all hope to live to be 100, but it just might not happen; so make the most of the time you do have. Death is a scary thing and I don't look forward to it but I also know that I can't prevent it. This moment is the only one that I'm guaranteed. We so often put off things out of fear or pure laziness, but the next time you think about doing that think about how short life is and just do it. I cherish ever moment I have. The idea of dying puts life in perspective. It allows you to move past that fight you had with your significant other, to take a chance, mend broken relationships, enjoy each moment. It's a liberating idea no matter how scary. We've all seen the movies or t.v. shows where someone is told he/she has 6 months to live or some other number of months and they go out and live their lives to the fullest. The notion that they were dying allowed them to become free from the constraints that we often place on ourselves; even if at the end the diagnosis was usually wrong. You don't have to think you are dying in order to truly enjoy our life, you just need to let go of the fear and remember that tomorrow is not promised to anyone so seize today. Carpe Diem!!!!!!!!!!!

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