Thursday, August 14, 2008

Can Separate Ever Be Equal?

Back in the 60's the Supreme Court decided that separate could not be equal when it came to education. This was partly due to the fact that the differences in resources for blacks and whites were unequal. Would the court have ruled the same way if the circumstances had been different? What if the schools had been equal in quality and the teachers on the same level and if both races had the same books, then would separate be equal? Are is separation truly inherently unequal? Or is it just that some people still refuse to admit that all races are capable of intelligent thought and no one race is superior? If we were given the same opportunities to learn at the same level would it be possible to separate? I don't advocate races keeping separate because personally I think people need to get over the whole race thing since none of us are going anywhere and we are all stuck here together. I just wonder if separate can ever be equal?

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