Friday, June 13, 2008


I recently found out a friend's younger brother died suddenly with no explanation. He was 20. This took me by major shock. His death got me to thinking about how much we take for granted the people in our lives; always expecting there to be a tomorrow. Sometimes tomorrow never comes. Christmas before last my ex-boyfriend's father committed suicide with no note, leaving his family with no explanation. We always take for granted the time we have here on Earth to spend with those we care about, when we don't really know when that time will come to a crashing halt. It's time we begin to cherish the time we have here and make the most of the time we have with those we care about.

Tomorrow is not promised to any of us, and we should live our lives with that thought in mind. So don't go to bed mad at your significant other, tell your kids you love them, tell your parents how much you appreciate the sacrifices they made for you and how much you love them, and most of all enjoy the time you have here. We spend so much time worrying about tomorrow that we forget to live for today. Time is not on our side. We have to live each day like it's our last, because it just might be. I am not trying to be morbid or somber, I just want everyone to take a look at his/her lives and assess the quality of their relationships with others and with one's self. If you aren't happy with the assessment, make a change now; because you may not be able to do so tomorrow. Don't allow sorrow, fear, unhappiness bog your life down, instead find the source of these feelings and do what it takes to cut them out of your life. My life is far from perfect and where I want it, but I now realize how blessed I am to have a man who loves me for me, two beautiful healthy children and a family that cares about me and has my back even if we don't always get along.

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