As a whole, black people have always been prideful people; never wanting to ask for help or wanting to burden anyone with their problems. There are many of us nowadays who are more than willing to accept a handout, hell we get mad if we don't get it. What happened? Personally, I have more pride than I probably should have. I hate asking anyone for anything and that goes for family too; I always think I can figure it all out on my own. This can be a great attribute, but it is also often a hindrance. Pride can interfere with relationships and friendships because sometimes we all need somebody even when we don't want to admit it and that can drive away the very people we care about.
Pride can be a wonderful thing. Black people used to take pride in the fact that they could always make a way even in the face of adversity without having to go and beg the "man" for anything. We were a stubborn, classy, prideful people. This form of pride seems to have gone by the way side and replaced with people who enjoy being on welfare and not taking care of their own children.
Pride can also destroy a person, it truly does pay to be humble sometimes. Yes one should take a certain amount of pride in his/her success but one should also realize that he/she didn't do it alone and should be thankful and grateful to others for helping them along the way, whether those helping were here physically or spiritually. I know that I would not have made it as far as I have in life without the help of others and although I am proud of how far I've come, I still recognize and appreciate all the sacrifices others made to help me get to where I am. Also, knowing where I come from and where I can always return keeps me humble and grateful for the blessings I have received.
Pride has prohibited many people from getting the help they need, but it also has lead to others receiving the respect they deserve. Pride encompasses the good and the bad, just never let it control you and get in the way of your life.
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