At this point in my life I try my best to not listen to the radio (thanks to the ipod adapter built into my car) or watch music videos. Why? Our culture has become completely over sexed in my opinion. Our kids know way too much about sex even if they don't completely understand it. What responsible parent wants his/her child singing the lyrics to "I wanna **** every girl in the world"? My eight year old daughter has told me that students in her class have gotten in trouble for saying and doing sex related things. Wonder where they got the ideas for it? Most likely from TV or some very irresponsible freaky parents.
In black culture there tends to be an over population of sex related music. Even R&B songs nowadays typically consist of sexually charged lyrics. Back in the day we left that to the blues singers (Candylicker). I guess in my old age I'm coming to realize that something has to give. Sex is everywhere. Everyone has a sex tape or a supposed sex addiction. There are adult cartoons, sex scenes in almost every movie, warnings to vaccinate your 12 year old daughter for HPV before she "hopefully" begins to have sex, singers giving interviews about what they like sexually or wannabe rappers going on about their sexual prowess. Everything is sex! When you have 12 and 13 year old kids having babies, something is definitely wrong.
As a mother, I want to do whatever I can to protect my kids from the harshness of the world but when teachers are participating in lap dances at pep rallies, how much can you really protect you kids? The world is on its way to hell in a handbasket and I just hope someone can pull it back before it reaches the inferno.
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