Monday, April 5, 2010

Are Some People Inherently Evil?

Every day in the news there is at least one story that highlights the depravity of the human being. This leads me to wonder if some people are inherently evil? I know we like to believe that everyone is born good and that there are circumstances in out lives that shape who we are; which I believe to a certain extent. But what about the serial killer who had a great childhood or the child rapist who grew up in a loving two family home. Are people like that born evil?

There are people in the world who have never done a good deed in their lives, are they inherently evil or is it just their environment? When I read a story about a 18 month old baby being sexually molested or a parent whoring out his/her child or a mother chopping her baby into pieces and frying her, I can't help but to wonder if these people are truly evil. Not just sick or misguided but evil.

I can't fathom another answer for why some people do the incredibly mind blowing most awful things one can think of, can you?

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