Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oblivious:Lacking conscious awareness


Has your man ever seemed oblivious to your needs and desires? I'm not talking about intentionally ignoring you or treating you badly purposely. What I'm talk about is when you have a good man but sometimes he gets caught up in his own world and his own needs and forgets about yours and then wonders why you are a little "upset"? For example, you come home from a long day at work and you walk in and he is playing a video game. He looks up (maybe) says hi and then goes back to his game. He doesn't realize that you were expecting a little more of a warm welcome. An hour later, he decides that he wants to spend a little quality time together but by that time you are pissed and he can't understand why. So you have to take your time to explain to him why you are upset and he doesn't get why you just didn't tell him what you wanted when you walked in and he had his head stuck in the t.v. It never crossed his mind to get up and greet you properly and ask you about your day. He was completely oblivious to your needs. Now I'm not saying this scenario plays out everyday or even once a week, because then you may need to have a serious talk or or get to walking away from your inattentive man.

That example is just to show that sometimes men are just unaware of what is going on around them . Perhaps it's too hard for them to focus on more than one thing at a time. We as mothers and wives are naturally attentive to the needs of others but I can't say the same thing about men. This is not to bash men. We need them as much as they need us even though the reasons may vary. I love my man but sometimes I get a little tired of having to tell him the things that he should know naturally to do. He gets so focused on what he is doing, whether it's studying, working, or playing video games that he doesn't seem to realize that I need his attention. He tells me I should just tell him how I feel and he will stop doing what he's doing, but sometimes I need him to just know what I need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, all the things you write about seem to be something I have experienced. Ugh! Why is it that men don't realize that affection goes a looooong way?