Monday, March 2, 2009

Being the Victim

I went to see Madea Goes to Jail last night and while watching the film, something resonated with me. It seems most people prefer to play the victim instead of taking responsibility for their own choices in life. We blame everyone else for our mistakes but our damn selves. I guess I could blame my bad choices on the fact that I was raised in a broken home, saw my mother get abused and I grew up poor; but how will that help me. Will it take away the mistakes I've made--no. As I was once told, we all have a sob story. Yes some people's are worse than others, but it shouldn't define who you are. If I let what happened to me when I was 15 control the decisions I make when I'm 30, I have no one to blame but myself. A professor of mine once told me that my successes are my successes and my failures are my failures, so own them. When you make a bad decision, own it; don't blame it on your father and what he did to you or your mothers neglect. Sure they may have hurt you and caused you unspeakable pain but don't let them control you forever. Forgive them and move on with your life. Holding onto all the anger and hatred only hurts you, that person you are upset at may walk around like he/she doesn't have a care in the world because your anger/hatred is only affecting you, not him/her. Your past can't define your present. We all have choices and whether we make the best ones is no one's fault but our own. It's time to stop being a victim and become a survivor.

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