Monday, June 8, 2009


Oh the joys of dealing with family. Some of us have great families that we are extremely close to and love being around; others of us have the complete opposite. I love my family but I am so glad I don't have to deal with them on a daily basis. For example, my sisters and brothers are for the most part some of the most selfish human beings I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. They drive my mother crazy and worry her constantly. They refuse to go to school or get a job. They get into trouble and expect her to bail them out. It's all completely frustrating and it pisses me off, but my mother doesn't listen to me when it comes to them because they are her babies.

We can choose our friends, but we can't choose out family. That's an unfortunate thing for some people. I mean think about all the people who have abusive mothers, fathers, or close relatives. If your uncle molests you, you can send him to jail but at the end of the day he's still your uncle: family. That must be an incredible thing to cope with.

For those of you lucky enough to have wonderful families, I hope you appreciate them. I know having some family is often times better than having none at all, but when they make your life more difficult you have to wonder if that's really true. Families are a tough part of life, you don't have to like them but nonetheless you love them. It's always been funny to me how we can despise our family but let someone who isn't family talk trash about them and we are ready to come to blows to protect them. So I guess at the end of the day, no matter what we love our families no matter how much they get on damn nerves.